Welcome from the Chair

Tennis is for everyone.

Our aims are; to support tennis providers, coaches, players and future players, to provide more opportunities to play, to develop facilities and to get more people enjoying this sport.

As the new chair of the volunteer organisation NLTA, I am excited to be involved in developing tennis for the whole of Northamptonshire.

My lifelong love of tennis started with a few lessons and then playing alongside my parents at their club. I have been a member of my present club for over 30 years, have been lucky enough to represent Northants in seniors events, and I hope to continue to play a mix of social and competitive games for many years to come!

My wish is for as many people as possible to experience all the health and social benefits of playing this great game.

Hope to see you on court soon!
Suzanne Clarke

Management Committee

Suzanne Clarke

Northants LTA Chairperson

Richard Johns

Northants LTA Councillor

Bridget Naidu

Northants LTA Secretary

Rosemary Swallow

County Safeguarding Officer

Aileen Major


Carol Pawlusek

Northants County Administrator

Tom Stevenson

Open Court Lead

Laura Mineards

Competitions Coordinator

Lisa Hodges-Cox

Committee Member

Stuart Farquhar

Committee Member

Neil Shorrock

Committee Member

Brian Perry

Committee Member

Caroline Bilbie

EDI Lead

President and Vice-Presidents

Mark Taylor


Craig Haworth


Barry Searle


Susan Papè


Margaret Green


Northamptonshire Tennis Official Partners